Located at the Intersection of Indulgence and Necessity.
Description of Services

Swedish (Classic) Massage - Light to medium pressure massage focused on increasing oxygen levels in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension and decreasing cortisol levels.

Deep Tissue Massage – Focused on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia, beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension, lowering heart rate and cortisol levels while increasing oxytocin and serotonin levels.

Neuromuscular Therapy - The utilization of static pressure on specific myofascial points to relieve pain. This technique manipulates soft tissue (muscles, tendons and connective tissue) to balance the central nervous system. In healthy people, nerves transmit impulses (which are responsible for every movement, function, and thought) to the body very slowly. Injury, trauma, postural distortion or stress cause nerves to speed up their transmission, inhibiting equilibrium and making the body vulnerable to pain and dysfunction. It is therefore necessary to stabilize low levels of neurological activity to maintain normal function and overall health. An effective treatment for chronic pain.

The Essential Massage – A  massage custom tailored to your therapeutic concerns, incorporates Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Neuromuscular Therapy as needed,. 

Aromatherapy - Choose from our essential oils and create a unique blend to enhance your service.  Benefits of Aromatherapy include - mental stimulation and clarity, stress relief and improvement of mood, stimulation of circulatory system, boost immune system, regulation of hormones and as an aide in skin regeneration. * People with epilepsy, heart disease, asthma, or other chronic medical conditions should be cautious when experimenting with the aromatherapy - please consult your Dr..

Body Brushing – Light relaxing brush strokes infused with essential oils stimulate circulation and lymph drainage for an overall exfoliating and detoxifying effects.- complimentary body brush and est oils for you to take home.

Aromatic Hot Oil Head Massage – Warm organic coconut oil infused with essential oils massaged gently in to the head and neck.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 912-349-9866
2431 Ste. C Habersham St , Savannah, GA 31404
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